Tuesday, April 17, 2012

There is no such thing as a dream too big....

So as always I have big things planned for the future! Had a great meeting this morning with some awesome people. Hopefully by the weekend I will have all information organized and I can hit the ground running, and I can share exactly how YOU GUYS can eaaaaasily get involved! So stay tuned, and get excited! :)

With all the big things coming up, I know how an email dedicated specifically to this! Of course I always appreciate and respond to all comments, and the wonderful messages received on fb, but now for bigger things I can be reached at HumanizingtheHomeless@yahoo.com Like I mentioned earlier a lot of big things are currently being planned so this email is needed to keep business organized. Plus it will be easier to send attachments, applications, and flyers to YOU ALL :) It is such a wonderful feeling to see how big this organization is becoming. It really is heart warming to see my 16 year old dream, becoming so real, so strong, so amazing.


Another awesome thing that happened today.......So I'm sitting in my religion class where I always chat it up before class starts with the students I have met in there. Of course I'm always sharing my awesome news or stories that are constantly going around me with the homeless, etc. Randomly one of the girls, who had listened all semester, pulled out her check book and asked if SHE could donate!!!!! What a w o n d e r f u l blessing!!! God is SO SO good ALL the time!

People are always asking me if I ever get discouraged when I talk to hundreds of people a day, and sometimes walk away empty handed. The answer? NEVER! If one person out of that group has a change of heart, or years later makes a decision to better another person, then I am successful! I have tooo much proof to ever believe other wise. Just take a look at what started out to be a 16 year old dream. There is no such thing as a dream too big =)

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