Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A FEW Moments of One's Time Can Change Another One's LIFETIME

This post is dedicated to my BEST friend Lindsay Lockert. We met years ago at Mississippi State University. Never did I think we would be as close as we are today. After MSU we have gone our separate ways, but never lost touch. By that I mean we talk almost everyday!  :) I have been very lucky to have a good friendship like hers, even tho we live over an hour away, and stay busy with our own lives!

All in all no matter what she has always supported me, and believed in me no matter how big my goal was. This is very important to me, because I stay very busy, and some times it can be overwhelming! I have always appreciated her kind words, and friendship.

This shout out is dedicated to Lindsay. I am lucky enough that all my friends support me, but Lindsay has actually taken the time to join me on a few of my journeys of helping the homeless. As everyone knows, the homeless have a huge spot in my heart. Humanizing the Homeless is a nonprofit organization that I created myself. I started working with the homeless at the age of 16, Humanizing the Homeless began at 21 years old, and now I am 23. The organization is still not huge, but so much has been accomplished over the years, it really brings happiness to my heart. Nothing could be as amazing if it was not for the few who unselfishly decided to give up their time to help along the way. Lindsay joined me to visit her first homeless shelter. This was a smaller shelter for battered woman who are trying to get back on their feet. It is more like an apartment, because living arrangements are not permanent, so it is very important for the less fortunate to establish goals and get back on their feet with a plan. In the meantime the children, who are innocent and clueless on the situation, get little if any attention. Lindsay joined me as we met with 2 little girls and 1 little boy, who were all siblings to a single, homeless mother. They were so excited to have new friends to play with them. After only a few hours, the kids had really opened up to us and started sharing information about themselves, their personalities, hobbies, school, etc. Heading home Lindsay instantly shared how she found herself attached to the children, and heart felt for them. We knew we had to go back. But she did not go back just to offer them her company again, we talked about ideas for an inexpensive arts and crafts project to give the kids something out of the ordinary to do! After a trip to Hobby Lobby, Lindsay eager chipped in and paid for HALF of the supplies. Needless to say the kids had a great time, and even more heart warming was the response "We were hoping you guys would come back", from the children. Lindsay and I knew we had made the right decision.

It did not stop there. She still asks about the children, and even called me up to say she had saw a few things out that they kids needed and so she bought them. She came to visit me and brought all kinds of FUN things!! From toys, to crafts, to jewlery, to goodies, everything nice for boys and girls and JUST IN TIME FOR EASTER! Hooooraaay! It could not have been better timing, So many children got to have AWESOME treats because of Lindsay!!!!!!!!!!

So again I cannot describe my thankfulness for people like Lindsay who do these acts of unselfishness. Of course, I am constantly working with children and trying to provide them with the best. And I know I say over and over these things are so inexpensive, but when I am the only one providing for the children and families it really does add up. Because Lindsay was so thoughtful to pick up a few items that were on sale to donate to me, these kids really got a great EASTER. I can still hear her say, "It's just junk, but it's a little something to help out." No it was a BLESSING! I know I say this phrase a lot but it's so true. A few moments of your time, can really change another person's lifetime. 

One teenager who received a gift that had some of Lindsay's goodies in it, explained to me while we were talking about her goals and dreams, that she wanted to be a social worker. She said she had such a hard life, and it was people like me who took the time to remind her to believe in herself. She went on to explain its the little things that she will remember forever, and she wants to make sure she can make a difference in other children who go through a tough time. I will continue to do what I can for these kids, but like I just said it is not JUST ME.....Sometimes God has sent special people like Lindsay to continue to make this opportunity a success. 

This is one of my longer blogs, but I think about it all the time. I wanted to share my thankfulness and pride to call Lindsay my friend. All well as share at how easy it is to change another person's life, and help make a difference,

Lindsay Lockert and I <3 

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